Paul said that he was foreordained from his mother’s womb by God to be an apostle. Jesus Christ revealed Himself to Paul and then through Paul to the Gentiles. Even though Paul was separated out from his birth to be an apostle, in the early part of his life, he was persecuting and killing Christians and trying to destroy the church. Paul believed that he was working for God, but he was really working against the purposes of God. Jesus arrested Paul on the road to Damascus, where Paul met Jesus face to face, and his life was forever turned around (see Acts 9:4-9). Jesus called Paul at that time, but his real call and purpose were written before he was ever born. It is the same for us today, God in His foreknowledge knows everything about us, and He has a plan for each one of us. However, our mind, will and emotions, our soul part can cause us to work contrary to the plan of God in our lives. Even though God knows the future, He will never try to control or manipulate us or make us do anything. People go to hell because they reject Jesus or they are not told about Him, or they will refuse to acknowledge Him. We need to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone and tell them that they are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb (see 2 Corinthians 17-21).
Up Next in Puerto Rico Outreach
Dominion and Authority - Your Can Hea...
God spoke a blessing over mankind. He commanded man to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Dominion is part of God’s kingdom, and God made dominion part of man. God has placed in man the desire to have dominion and be fruitful. When we have no plan or purpose for our life, we fe...
The Role of the Holy Spirit - Your Ca...
When you want to hear God’s voice, you must remember that God is a Spirit. God is going to speak with you in a spiritual sense. There are three parts of man; you have a spirit, a soul, and a body. “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24).” “Now the Lo...
The Breath of God - Your Can Hear God...
The Holy Spirit is always speaking and always wanting to do God’s will on the earth. The problem we are having is that we are waiting for something to happen as a sign for us to do something. We are looking for a physical sign for something that is actually initiated by the voice of God inside of...