Dominion and Authority - Your Can Hear God's Voice Session Three
God spoke a blessing over mankind. He commanded man to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it. Dominion is part of God’s kingdom, and God made dominion part of man. God has placed in man the desire to have dominion and be fruitful. When we have no plan or purpose for our life, we feel frustrated because God has already spoken over us to do these things. When you are full of the world and not born again the spirit of this world, the devil, controls you. He causes you to be unfruitful, not able to multiply, and he causes you to have no purpose. You are unable to follow the plan of God for your life. When you are born again, you receive knowledge and wisdom, and your spirit is lit up by the Holy Spirit within you. You will want to subdue and have dominion over evil spirits, and as a Christian, it is within you to do just that. God told man to subdue the earth; the word subdue is a strong military term. Subdue in Hebrew means to tread down, to conquer, to force or to bring under submission. It is within you to do this because it was spoken over man by God. God wants us to gather, replenish, set apart, and subdue the earth, and then He wants us to propagate and fill the earth. God trusted Adam to name all the animals on the earth, and Adam was given the authority to be in charge of all the earth. When man fell in the garden, Adam gave his God-given authority over the earth to satan. Sin now separated man from God, and Adam and Eve had to leave the garden. When Jesus redeemed mankind back to the Father, man was now restored in the dominion and authority of God once again. So much more has been given to you through Jesus Christ than you know.